Why do Affirmations not work for me?
How many times has it been that you’ve sincerely written your affirmations 100 times and said it out loud for like 200 times in a go? And you’ve done this for one whole month!
But nothing really changed?
Or you might have thoughts like I should have done it at some specific time, probably during the full moon or when mercury is not in retrograde!
Honestly it doesn’t really matter whether you do it straight after you wake up or right before you go to bed. Whether or not the stars are aligned or which phase the moon is in! Sadly it really doesn’t work that way!
The struggle is real!! I have been there!
There’s a common misconception floating around in the spiritual community that all Affirmations work, no matter what!
But I would like to break this myth of yours.
Affirmations only work if what you affirm is what you already consider to be true. And I mean not just consciously but also subconsciously.
Eg. If you believe that you are beautiful. You love your body, hair, skin, the way you look etc and you affirm “I am beautiful”. Then the affirmation will work for you. Because you consider it to be true for yourself even though others may not think it true.
The mistake that many people make with affirmations is they say affirmations that they have zero conviction of. They say what sounds good to them but just for time being. They do not believe the said affirmations.
Things like,
“I am Wealthy” when they feel poor within.
“I am blessed” but they fear that the universe is against them.
“I am loved” when they don’t really feel loved.
Etc etc.
In order for affirmations to work, you need to truly believe it to your core or else it’s just a waste of time and energy.
You can start with little things. What is it that you want? Or that you already have in the area that you want to manifest.
If you want to manifest money. Go have a look at your fridge or kitchen ( if it’s stocked up, obviously) and truly feel abundant for having “abundance” in the form of food and then with that feeling of abundance go write or say your affirmation. “I am abundant”. The same applies with love, happiness, opportunities or anything that you wish to manifest.
Also one needs to do a lot of shadow work to change their limiting beliefs and patterns so as to why you do not believe that you are worthy of the things you want. Because if you say you want love but if you feel unworthy of love then no amount of affirmations will help you meet your soulmate. You need to dig deeper and deeper by doing a lot of inner work.
Affirmations aren’t some magic wand that you’ll say Abracadabra and you’ll get what you affirm. Had that been so easy you’d already have what you want. There’s a lot of technical stuff that many do not tell you about because they themselves are unaware of them.
Believe is the keyword when it comes to affirmations. Read that again. And you need to believe it subconsciously. Like before going to bed you set the alarm for tomorrow because you believe the sun will rise, right? That is what I mean when I say you need to believe the said affirmation.