A Millennial’s take on Aham Brahmasmi

I am the universe
Ever since I discovered the word “Aham Brahmasmi” I have been intrigued by it. It made me have a deeper look at things around me.
I did understand what it means but just on a surface level.
So I dug deeper and deeper.
And here’s what I finally understood!
Aham Brahmasmi is a Sanskrit word that translates to “I am the Universe”. It is a school of thought from the Indian School of Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta.
But here’s the fun part!
Aham Bramhasmi literally means:-

“I am the Universe”

“I am the Cause”. “I am the Effect”.

“I am the cause, causing the effect”

In order to understand this let’s go back. And I mean way back. Millions and billions of years before the Big Bang.

When the thought of ” I Am” rose in the mind of “God” a split occurred in the consciousness (mind) of God and hence millions and billions of fractals were created.
And guess what, We are those fractals! This is also what Shree Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita. (Indian Sacred Book, Book of God). We all combined i.e you, me, your family, my family, your city, my city, your country, my country, this universe and all other universes; are all fractals of Source Consciousness. Also, known as “God”.
Since we are fractals of God. We are also “God”. Hence “Aham Brahmasmi” means “I am the Universe”
To make it a little more technical it further means, Whatever is happening is happening through me!
And it’s happening because of me! I am the one making it happen! Everything is a projection of me! And also every end result that is, is Me. And also every end result that is, is Me!
And who do you think is this “Me”?
It is Us again!
As we all are fractals of Source Consciousness! (God)
For a minute just ponder over this thought
“I am the Cause”. “I am the Effect”.
“I am the cause, causing the effect.
This means that we are the creators of our reality. And everything there is nothing but a projection of our inner reality! Whatever is within is projected outside and whatever that we experience on the outside is already within!
Isn’t that immensely Empowering?
This is further proved by Quantum Physics.
That in any given moment there exists an infinite number of possibilities that can give birth to an infinite number of realities! Which is solely dependent on our thoughts!
When scientifically broken down our body is made of Atoms. And the atom is 99.9999999999999% energy. 000000000001% matter.
That means everything is nothing but energy at its core! And that energy can be changed as per our will!
And the very thing that influences this energy is “Us”. As we after all are made up of “Energy” and are energetic beings spiritually!
We are the Universe at large! On a micro & macro level! We are the co-creators of our life along with the Universe, that is again us! Oh my god! Isn’t that astounding!
So today I highly urge you to bask in this profoundly life-changing discovery! And be the creator of your Destiny! This can be a transcendental realisation and open a portal of magical experiences!

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